We were approached by a Swedish law firm, located in Nyköping Sweden. The city is known for the story from 1317 when the King imprisoned his brothers in the castle and threw the dungeon key into the river. The strong reference to the key is prevalent in the city, which inspired our client to call the firm “Nyckeln” meaning “key”, and to draw the link between a key and the law world. The analogy of finding a key in the river can be compared to the overwhelm of overcoming legal issues, this is where Advokatfirman Nyckeln enter with the proverbial key to resolve legal Issues. We therefore felt it was fitting to incorporate the key into the logo design as the logomark.     


The brand is traditional yet modern and the professional stature needed to remain whilst adding a contemporary feel that is reflected through the brand identity with the use of a strong font and monochromatic colour palette.


Logo Design | Stationery Design | Project Management



